Online Meal Prep Order
To place your order manually through our website, choose one protein, one carbohydrate and one vegetable option to make various combinations for your meals. Please fill out the form below, listing your meals and indicating how many of each. Example in the Meal 1 box: "3x chicken, brown rice, salad". Any comments or instructions should be left in the message box. You'll receive a response to your order at the email provided with a price quote and expected delivery or pickup times.
All orders must be submitted by Tuesday evening for Wednesday delivery/pickup, and Friday evening for Saturday delivery/pickup. Other pickup arrangements may be made. Limited local delivery subject to availability. Minimum order is 5 meals. Minimum meals per combination is 2.
Base pricing is $9 per meal, dropping to $8 per meal for orders over 15 meals or with multi week commitments. Discount offered for any current or former police, firefighter, or military personnel.
- Steak
- Salmon
- Chicken
- Tilapia
- Ground Beef
- Brown Rice
- White Rice
- Quinoa
- White Potato
- Sweet Potato
- Red Potato
- Pasta
- Spinach
- Salad
- String Beans
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
*Printable order form can be found here for those who wish to print and scan to submit their order by email, or for an in person order.